Upper Columbia Academy Elementary School

Christian Education in Spangle, WA
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Dress Code

The way a student dresses affects the general attitude of the classroom. Students and parents should use good taste in selecting school clothing that will enhance the learning environment and be in harmony with the following quote: “In dress as in all things, it is our privilege to honor our Creator. He desires our clothing to be not only neat and healthful but appropriate and becoming.” (Education, p. 248)

The appropriateness of all dress and grooming is left to the teachers’ discretion. They will gladly counsel on suitable school attire. The following specific items are given to guide parents and students in planning a school wardrobe:

  • Dress and grooming should be neat, clean, and modest.
  • Clothing should be in good repair (no rips, holes, or grubby look).Shirts should be modestly fit and have sleeves. All designs and logos should align with the values of UCAES (no movies, pop culture, violence, or obscenities).
  • Pants, shorts, and jeans should be of modest fit and length, not have holes, and cannot be athletic wear. Leggings should only be worn under long tunics/sweaters or dresses.
  • Dresses and skirts must be of modest fit and length. Shorts, pants, or leggings should be worn underneath to promote ease and modesty in play.
  • Hats or hoods should not be worn inside the school building. Hoodies and coats can be worn inside with the hood down.
  • Hair should look neat and be a natural hair color.
  • Makeup should look natural.
  • Jewelry is not to be worn.
  • Footwear is required. A second, separate pair of closed-toe tennis/athletic/sneaker-type shoes is required for PE in the gym (sandals, flipflops, etc., are not safe for gym class, and shoes with black soles will visibly scuff and wear the gym flooring).
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