Upper Columbia Academy Elementary School

Christian Education in Spangle, WA
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Directions & Local Information

Local Seventh-day Adventist Church

UCA Elementary School is supported by our constituent church, the Upper Columbia Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church. The church and school are located on the same property.

Guide to Spangle's Basic Services

  • Gas: Spangle Foods Country Store (snacks, Discovery Passes, hot and cold foods, convenience store)
  • Post office: USPS at 230 N. Main St., Spangle's happening main drag
  • Restaurant: The Harvester Restaurant at 410 W. 1st. St (delicious food, family atmosphere in the restaurant, locally owned, curbside pickup available)

Directions From Spokane (driving south to UCAES): 

  1. From Hwy 90, take 195 South for about 15 miles.
  2. Turn left onto Watt Rd. and make an immediate right onto S. Old State Rte 195 and follow it for about 2 miles.
  3. Turn left onto Spangle-Waverly Rd. You'll see a sign on the right for Upper Columbia Academy.
  4. Just after the UCA sign, turn right into the church driveway. There's a church/school sign, and you can see the church from the road.
  5. Pass the church on your left. UCA Elementary is the building with a playground behind the church.

Directions From Colfax (driving north to UCAES):

  1. Take Hwy 195 North for about 40 miles.
  2. Exit to Bradshaw (a left turn that then quickly curves right), then turn right on Bradshaw and go a short distance to the T.
  3. At the T, turn left on S. Old State Rte 195 and go about a mile and a half. 
  4. Turn right on Spangle-Waverly Rd. You'll see a sign on the right for Upper Columbia Academy.
  5. Just after the UCA sign on the left, turn right into the church driveway. (There's a church/school sign, and you can see the church from the road.)
  6. Pass the church on your left. UCA Elementary is the building with a playground behind the church.



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