Upper Columbia Academy Elementary School

Christian Education in Spangle, WA
>Home >About Us >Vision, Mission, Core Values

Vision, Mission, and Core Values of UCA Elementary School

These statements help us make plans, set goals, and execute existing programs in harmony with Bible values and high standards.


Building exceptional academics for today, leaders of integrity for tomorrow, and Christlike characters for eternity.



We are a rural Seventh-day Adventist Christian grade school whose purpose is to teach and model excellence in individualized learning, create life-long disciples of Christ through service, and find joy in devotion to God.



  1. We value the Bible as God's message and use it as the guide and foundation of all we do.
  2. We value excellence in education and provide learning opportunities that prepare our students for their next educational step.
  3. We value character development and encourage students to be devoted followers of Jesus, to actively create community with others, and to be good citizens.
  4. We value developing the whole person and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, outdoor education, community service, and other enrichment activities.
  5. We value our students and their families and seek to partner with them on this educational journey.
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