These forms are for use throughout the school year, as each field trip comes up. You can save or print each one when the time comes. Forms will still be emailed out before each field trip as usual, but now you don't have to hunt down the email to locate the document you need.
General Field Trip Permission Slip
Outdoor School Waiver Form
7Up Retreat Waiver Form
Ice Skating Waiver Form (adults)
Ice Skating Waiver Form (minors)
(Fill out both sides)
Lookout Pass Waiver Form
(Fill out both sides)
Registration Packet 2024-2025
(Print double-sided if possible; single-sided if not)
Calendar & Handbook for 2024-2025
Intent to Enroll Form for 2025-2026
Now enrolling!
Call For Information! (509) 245-3629